
地点:北京,上海| 学历:本科| 工作经验:不限 2019.06.11

职位要求 Job Specification:

1. 两年及以上出境操作和计调工作经验,熟悉欧洲目的地者优先考虑;
2. 英语4级以上,能够将英语作为工作语言;
3. 对境外地接业务的相关细节有非常精熟地了解与掌握;
4. 良好的团队合作精神和沟通协调能力;
5. 良好的工作责任心和服务意识;
6. 良好的团队管理经验和个人职业化素养;
7. 大学专科以上学历。


职位描述 Job Description:

1. 负责出境地接业务的运营与管理;
2. 按客户要求和公司采购原则,完成操作任务;
3. 提升客户满意度,控制采购成本;
4. 负责优化本部门及与部门工作相关的工作流程,提高员工的工作效率;
5. 开拓资源,并合理使用和维护;
6. 营造团结积极的团队氛围。

企业简介 Company Brief Introduction:

Established in 1972 with its Headquarters in Copenhagen,now we have 11 Sales offices covering Europe, Japan, United States Central and South America, Taiwan, South-East Asia and India and 21 destination offices throughout Europe. Our Mission is: To give value for money to all global travellers and business partners alike ; To give an impressive experience and complete satisfaction to all global travellers by providing additional service quality at the European destination and enriching the life of the customer ; To contribute to the successful and sustainable development of the destination itself ; To offer value to our main business partners in Europe and at the same time contribute to the local society.


其他信息 Other Infomation:

联系人: Long Xi | 021-6385 8570
简历请投递至: job@tlmchina.com

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