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意大利国家旅游局2020中国线上路演圆满收官(ENIT China Virtual Workshop 2020 was concluded)

2021-01-22 11:34:04  |   来源:意大利国家旅游局

摘要: In the spirit of responsible traveling, Chinese and Italian tourism industries endeavor to boost tourism recovery 中意旅业秉持“负责任的旅行”理念,为旅业复苏助力

On Jun 22, business negotiation, part of China Virtual Workshop 2020, was completed with success, meaning the formal conclusion of this over 2-month virtual workshop. 



The annual ENIT China Workshop was hosted in a virtual way. In the spirit of responsible traveling, EBIT applied new platforms to connect representatives from 50 outstanding Italian tourism institutes including regional tourist board, tourist attractions, hotels, and DMCs. Over 170 Chinese tourism partners were present in the virtual workshop. By promoting interactions through means like online recommendations, webinars, one-to-one talks, ENIT intends to deepen bilateral cooperation and exchanges on tourism in full preparation for the recovery of outbound tourism. It is reported that the online exhibition will be open through Feb 16, 2021. Welcome tourism partners and media friends to visit the exhibition.




Review on ENIT China Virtual Workshop 2020



ENIT China Virtual Workshop 2020 kicked off on Nov 17, and ENIT marketing director Maria Elena Rossi made the opening address at 4 p.m on Dec 11.

意大利国家旅游局2020中国线上路演于北京时间2020年11月17日拉开帷幕,并于北京时间2020年12月11日16:00举办开幕致辞,意大利国家旅游局市场推广总监MS. Maria Elena Rossi远从意大利送来问候。


MS. Rossi said: “ China is one of the largest and crucial tourism markets for Italy, and it is responsible for and capable of rebooting tourism. Meanwhile, the year 2022 marks the culture and tourism year between Italy and China, which is scheduled to be prepared through 2021. I hope partners will show great support for this event. The successful delivery of this virtual workshop is undoubtedly a good start for restoring the travelling between Italy and China and promoting two-side interactions.

MS. Rossi表示:“中国作为意大利全球最大、最重要的旅游市场之一,我们有责任也有信心推动旅游业的安全重启。同时,2022年将迎来中意文化和旅游年,这一盛大的活动将于2021年进入筹备期,希望能够得到各界同仁们的大力支持。本次线上路演活动的成功举办无疑是一个良好的开端,对中意两国之间旅游的重启,以及两国旅业间的交流都起到重要作用。”


Pic: MS. Maria Elena Rossi is delivering her opening address

图:意大利国家旅游局市场推广总监MS. Maria Elena Rossi开幕致辞


This virtual workshop covers two rounds virtual negotiation beyond time and space, and provides a bridge for two-side tourism partners to exchange their views and deepen cooperation. The first round was held from Dec 14 to 18, and the second from Jan 18 to 22, 2021. More than 220 Chinese and Italian representatives showed up and warped up over 1900 negotiations.


Pic: Chinese and Italian tourism partners meet in the virtual workshop



Promising Future of Chinese and Italian Tourism



Italy and China share many experiences. We both have many UNESCO listed world heritages and will host for winter Olympics. These common experiences will be a boon to tourism recovery. Italy draws global tourists for its culture, art, natural sites, food and wine. According to relevant data, the trips made by Chinese to Italy are on the rise annually, making Italy one of the most desired European destinations for Chinese. In 2019, Chinese made over 6 million trips to Italy.



The pandemic dealt a heavy blow to global tourism. This virtual workshop makes a breakthrough by applying the digital form, and thus brings hope for tourism partners in time of separation. When global tourism is restored and revived, the travelling and cultural exchanges between China and Italy will step into a new level.


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